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Post-Fossil City
Imagine a city without fossil fuels. How would we live, work, and move around? Submit your idea and win €10,000.
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at the urban level 2 0.10 % No
the urban level The 2 0.10 % No
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Ministry of Infrastructure Environment 2 0.10 % No
Studio is embedded within 2 0.10 % No
is embedded within the 2 0.10 % No
embedded within the Faculty 2 0.10 % No

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Post-Fossil City
De Ark van het Nieuwste Verbond: Tien Duurzame Geboden
Post-Fossil City — Tien Duurzame Geboden
Cow & Co Cow & Co zijn zelfstandige zakenvrouwen, die op eigen houtje door de stad lopen. De melkmachine drijven ze aan met hun eigen methaangas. Koop hun verse stadsmelk online en tap het bij jou om de hoek.
Post-Fossil City — Cow & Co
People of Petrotopia People of Petrotopia laat het leven zien in een Utrecht zonder luxe, back to basics. Lekker lokaal dus, en geld, dat is niet meer nodig. Nieuwe ronde nieuwe kansen? Le
Post-Fossil City — People of Petrotopia
City of Sounds and Silence Theatercollectief Sun City maakt een soundscape van de groene stad. Maakt elektrisch vervoer de stad weer stil, zodat vogelgezang domineert? Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — City of Sounds and Silence
Sensorische tijdreis Benzine. Hoe rook dat ook alweer? Kunstenares Jamillah Sungkar maakt het voorstelbaar hoe het is om in een stad te leven zonder 'fossiele geuren'. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Sensorische tijdreis
Brieven uit 2050 Klimaatverandering, immigratie, robotisering; abstracte woorden die we kennen uit de krantenkoppen. Maar hoe voelt het échte leven halverwege de 21e eeuw? Lees de brieven en krijg een intiem inkijkje in
Post-Fossil City — Brieven uit 2050
Museum van het Fossiele Tijdperk Deze inzending brengt een schoon Amsterdam tot leven met een toekomstkrant getiteld Het Devies 2039, gemaakt door een team van architecten, ontwerpers en stedenbouwkundigen.
Post-Fossil City — Museum van het Fossiele Tijdperk
Afrikaanse alternatieven Ontwerpers Blake Robinson en Karl Schulschenk richten zich op de duurzame kansen in de volop in ontwikkeling zijnde Afrikaanse steden. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Afrikaanse alternatieven
Pergolapanelen Zonne-energie hecht zich aan de stad. Een drankje op een terras, iets kopen op de markt, sporten; straks gebeurt dat allemaal onder zonnepanelen. Ze overdekken pleinen, parken en straten. Straks is een per
Post-Fossil City — Pergolapanelen
Platformsteden Taxi’s bestellen met Uber, of een kamer huren met Airbnb: in 2050 lacht men erom. Steden zitten dan bomvol slimme diensten, denkt Michel Erler. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Platformsteden
Straat van de Toekomst De fossielvrije toekomst ligt op straat. Die raap je niet op. Die leg je. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Straat van de Toekomst
The Last Fossil Kids In 2050 kijkt deze documentaire terug op de ontwikkeling van de fossiele naar post-fossiele stad. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — The Last Fossil Kids
Jet Stream Catcher De Jet Stream Catcher herziet het idee van energie productie en transport compleet, en komt met een totaal nieuw idee. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Jet Stream Catcher
Mitochondria Centraal in dit energie-model staan kleinschalige energiefabriekjes, die naar analogie met de celbiologie, Mitochondria genoemd worden. Lees verder ›
Post-Fossil City — Mitochondria
Lees ons manifest
Post-Fossil City — Ontketen de toekomst: een oproep aan de kunsten
Hoe ruikt een post-fossiele stad? Wytske Versteeg 9 maart 2017
Post-Fossil City — Hoe ruikt een post-fossiele stad?
Antwoorden op vragen van potentiële indieners Peter Pelzer 1 maart 2017
Post-Fossil City — Antwoorden op vragen van potentiële indieners
Nieuwe verbeelding van de straat Maarten Hajer 24 februari 2017
Post-Fossil City — Nieuwe verbeelding van de straat Spined HTML

Post-FossilMunicipalityPost FossilMunicipalityContest Finalists News Jury FAQ nl en Re-Imagining Urban Futures Imagine a municipality that is not fond to fossil fuels. How would that transpiration the way we live, work, and move virtually the city? The Urban Futures Studio proudly presents the Post-FossilMunicipalityContest, calling on artists, designers, architects, urbanists, authors, photographers, filmmakers and spherical creative thinkers to imagine a municipality that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels. We received 250 submissions from people in over 40 countries, ranging from architects to physical scientists, from designers to musicians. The 10 most innovative, inspiring, and imaginative ideas were featured in exhibitions in Utrecht, the Hague and Ghent. Ark of the Newest Covenant wins the Post-FossilMunicipalityContest! The project The Ark of the Newest Covenant: Ten Sustainable Commandments, created by BreukersGodrie, has been chosen as the winner of the Post-FossilMunicipalityContest! Click here for the jury report. Finalists We received increasingly than 250 submissions from over 40 countries. The jury has selected the 10 weightier ideas, which were featured in the Post-FossilMunicipalityExhibition. Ten Sustainable Commandments Winner of the Post-FossilMunicipalityContest! The transition to sustainable cities needs a radical transpiration in culture. The Ark of the Newest Covenant is a traveling source of inspiration, meant to bring such change. Read increasingly › Cow & Co Designers Anastasia Eggers and Ottonie von Roeder invented a concept that makes it possible to tap your own milk from a cow virtually the corner. Read increasingly › People of Petrotopia People of Petrotopia shows you the life in a Utrecht that is less luxurious, when to basics. Nice and local and money is no longer needed. New game, new chances? Read increasingly ›Municipalityof Sounds and Silence Theatre joint SunMunicipalitypresents a soundscape of the untried city. Is electric mobility making the municipality silent again, so we can hear birds singing again? Read increasingly › Sensorial Time Travel What does a living municipality smell like? Embark on a time travel with your nose. Find your way through the tired lungs of the now, vastitude the smell of car exhausts. Read increasingly ›Reportsfrom 2050 Climate change, immigration, robotization; utopian terms from the newspaper headings. But how does it really finger to live, mid-21st century? Read the reports for intimate sneak peeks in the lives of the potential futures. Read increasingly › Museum of the Fossil Era This submission brings a untried municipality to life in a newspaper of the future, Het Devies 2039, made by a team of architects, designers and urbanists. Read increasingly › African Alternatives Designers Blake Robinson and Karl Schulschenk focus on the sustainable opportunities for fast developing cities in Africa. Read increasingly › Photovoltaic Pergolas Solar energy attaches itself to the city. Having a drink, ownership something on the market, playing sports; you’ll do all of these under photovoltaic panels. They imbricate squares, parks and streets. In the future, a photovoltaic pergola will be as ordinary as a velocipede rack. Read increasingly › Platform Cities Access, not possession is crucial in the municipality of the future. Software platforms like Uber and Airbnb quickly connect supply and demand. In this short mucosa you visit London and Berlin. Two cities. Two choices. Do you segregate comfort? Or would you rather protect your privacy? Read increasingly › Honourable Mentions Four submissions didn't make it to the jury selection, but we still find them so interesting that we decided to list them on the website. Street of the Future The post-fossil future lies out on the street. Pick it up! Read increasingly › The Last Fossil Kids This documentary from 2050 is looking when at the transition from fossil to post-fossil city. Read increasingly › Jet Stream Catcher The Jet Stream Catcher completely rethinks the idea of energy production and transportation. Read increasingly › Mitochondria Central to this energy-model are small-scale energy factories, that respective to lamina biology, are tabbed Mitochondria. Read increasingly › Why? In order to make the future, we first have to imagine it. Fossil fuels have shaped the world as we know it. They have specified how we move virtually in our cars, generate electricity, how we produce and slosh food, run our economies, and diamond our cities. As we’re moving towards a post-fossil future, our tendency to coal, gas and oil will come to an end. This transition and new era will reshape cities and everyday life so radically that it’s nonflexible to imagine what it will feel, taste, smell, and squint like. Innovation is the result of responding with ideas to problems. Both the automobile and bicycle were ripened in response to dissatisfaction with transportation by horse, and as we know, these ways of transportation protract to make an impact on our environment. Planners and architects like Cornelis van Eesteren, Robert Moses and Le Corbusier designed cities for car traffic — machines for living, focused entirely on efficiency. Today, their ideas are seen as failed utopias, that have nonetheless strongly influenced the urban landscape. Let us diamond — aspects of — a new, post-fossil city, well-timed to this major rencontre of our time? Do you think this municipality would be a utopia or a dystopia, and which problems might upspring in the process of achieving this? The Urban Futures Studio asks creative thinkers and makers to take the problems of our current cities as a starting point, in order to imagine the everyday texture of the post-fossil city. We would love to hear and see your ideas. LearnIncreasinglyClick here to read our undeniability for imaginaries. Jury Maarten Hajer Urban Futures Studio, Utrecht University Maarten Hajer is professor of Urban Futures at Utrecht University. He is former Director-General of the Netherlands Environmental Asssessment Agency, and lead curator of the IABR 2016. Winy Maas MVRDV, TU Delft Architect Winy Maas is one of the founders of MVRDV. Maas lectures and teaches extensively virtually the world, and is a professor at TU Delft. Jurgen Bey Studio Makkink & Bey, Sandberg Institute Jurgen Bey is co-founder of Studio Makkink & Bey. He is moreover Director of the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Anita van den Ende Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment Anita van den Ende is Director Climate, Air and Noise, and Deputy Director General of the Environment and International Affairs at the Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment. Lot van HooijdonkMunicipalityof Utrecht Lot van Hooijdonk is alderwoman for Mobility, Sustainability and the Environment for theMunicipalityof Utrecht. Willem Schinkel Erasmus University Willem Schinkel is Professor of Social Theory at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). News Tweets by FuturesStudioUU Hoe ruikt een post-fossiele stad? Wytske Versteeg 9 March 2017 Some Answers to Questions Asked by Potential Submitters Peter Pelzer 1 March 2017 Re-Imagining the Street Maarten Hajer 24 February 2017 Frequently Asked Questions Missing your question? Please send us an email. Can I read increasingly well-nigh the preliminaries of this contest? Of course. Please trammels out this vendible we've written, or read this interview with Maarten Hajer in NRC Handelsblad (sorry, Dutch only). Based on which criteria will the proposals be judged? 1 — What is the originative quality of the proposal has an originative quality? How unique is the proposal? And does it distinguish itself from once existing imaginaries of the post-fossil city? 2 — To which extent does the proposal take, as its starting point, a future with no dependency on fossil fuels? 3 — How integral is the proposal? Does it only take into worth environmental aspects, or moreover social and economic aspects? 4 — To which extent does the proposal focus on the texture of everyday wits in the post-fossil city, such as changes in built environment, social structure, infrastructure and daily life? How tangible and detailed is the proposal? 5 — How scalable is the proposal? Can it be used as a tool in the transition towards a of post-fossil future? Who is the organisation? The Urban Futures Studio is a newly worked cross-disciplinary institute led by Prof. Maarten Hajer. It aims to modernize the interaction between wonk insights and the challenges actors squatter in coping with the future, particularly at the urban level. The Urban Futures Studio is embedded within theSenseof Geosciences and collaborates closely with the research groups within this faculty. It wants to take the lead in in the study and minutiae of new practices that relate when to dealing with environmental, social, economic and political challenges within the urban field. How can I contact the organisation? Please send an email to The Urban Futures Studio (UFS) is a newly worked cross-disciplinary institute led by Prof. Maarten Hajer. It aims to modernize the interaction between wonk insights, diamond and the challenges we squatter in coping with the future, particularly at the urban level. The Urban Futures Studio is embedded within theSenseof Geosciences at the University of Utrecht' Get in touch Subscribe to the newsletter EmailSubscribe Facebook Twitter Colophon Initiative and concept Urban Futures Studio (Universiteit Utrecht) Maarten Hajer Peter Pelzer Curatorial team Peter Pelzer (Urban Futures Studio) Wytske Versteeg Michiel van Iersel (Non-fiction) René Boer (Non-fiction) Exhibition diamond Studio KNOL Celine de Waal Malefijt Lion Zeegers Authors of the undeniability Maarten Hajer Peter Pelzer Wytske Versteeg Organisation and liaison Pop-UpMunicipalityJeroen Beekmans Joop de Boer Coordination exhibition Richard Pelgrim (Urban Futures Studio) Project support Vivian ToemenDiamondand website Van Lennep Stephan Achterberg Ruben Doornweerd Hugo Zwolsman